Monday, May 9, 2016

TechnoTips: 3 ways to help promote PEL on Facebook

by Anne W. Anderson

PEL changes lives! We know that, but what can we do to help spread the word? Tell someone.

A 1980s shampoo commercial started out with one woman telling two friends about her great shampoo. They told two other friends who each told two other friends . . . until, before long, the screen was filled with women using the product.

Today, we have other ways to tell friends. And, even if you only have a few Facebook friends and hardly ever post anything, you can still help PEL share the good news about the program. Here are three easy ways:

First: Find and Like the Program for Experienced Learners Facebook page

Log in to your Facebook page. In the searchbar at the top of the page (big red oval in the image to the left), type in Program for Experienced Learners and click the magnifying glass (search icon) or click Return/Enter.

As the second image (right) shows, you may not have to type the entire name. If a drop-down menu with a link to the PEL page appears (see red arrow) just click on the link.

The PEL Facebook page (below) should appear.
Yes! The PEL program has its own Facebook page!

Currently, we have 931 people who have Liked the page by clicking on the Like button (circled in red).

If you Like the page, then when PEL's social media managers Craig Anderson and Janice Writt post something to the PEL page, the post will show up someplace on your timeline page, the page you see when you open Facebook.

How this helps: The more people who Like the PEL page, the more seriously Facebook treats PEL posts.

This means people who have Liked the page are more apt to see the posts at the top of their timeline page, and it means the Eckerd PEL page might start appearing on the right rail of other people's screens. In other words, it helps PEL get more exposure.


Second: Like and Comment on posts. 

Like: When you see a post from PEL on your timeline, Like it (see the red circled area in the image to the right) by clicking on the Like word/icon. Nothing special happens on your page, but it tells Facebook people are paying attention.

If the post contains a link to one of our newsletters, click on the link and read the article -- or not.

Comment: Even better, leave a Comment. Even a couple of words like "Great news!" or "This sounds like good information." or even an emoticon face will add weight to the post. The post also may appear on some of your friends' timelines with a small note that says you commented on this post. Now you not only have told us you saw the post but you also have begun to help your friends see the post . . . kind of like posting a note on a bulletin board.

How this helps: Liking a post does two things: It helps keep our social media managers from feeling lonely and lets them know people are paying attention. It also helps Facebook take the post more seriously so more people see it.  Commenting on a post takes the sharing one step further and creates a bulletin-board post on your timeline page.

Third: Share a post.

Click on Share and you deliberately place the post on your timeline page. Now the post appears more prominently, and it is more likely that your friends may Like or Comment on it, too. Check out these two articles to learn more about the differences in effect between Likes, Comments, and Shares. Want more information about the math behind how Facebook weights posts? Read this article about EdgeRank.

Tell a friend -- or two or 2000+ -- about PEL!

1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 + 256 + 512 + 1024 = 2047 people reached in just 10 interactions

Anne W. Anderson is PEL's director of blended and online learning. 

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