Tuesday, December 13, 2016

You are Invited! to the PEL Writers in Paradise Pre-Event Party on January 14

Join us for an evening celebrating writing!

When: January 14, 2017 from 5:30 - 7 p.m.

Where: Cobb Gallery (at the end of the loop drive just past Franklin Templeton building)

Who: YOU! All PEL people are invited

What: Celebrating PEL Authors at a Writers in Paradise Pre-Party / Recognizing Writing Instructors and Tutors

PEL people are invited to a Writers in Paradise Pre-Conference PEL Reception  from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in Cobb Gallery. This year's theme is Celebrating PEL Authors, and many of our PEL alumni and current students will be displaying fiction and non-fiction books, newspaper and magazine articles, poems, plays, and other material they have published. We also will be recognizing PEL writing instructors and tutors through the years for their part in shaping PEL students as writers . . . and thereby shaping the larger world.

Attend the FREE Writers in Paradise opening keynote lecture after the Pre-Party

Poet Richard Blanco
January 14, 2017 is the opening day of the Writers in Paradise week-long workshop. All evening readings are FREE and open to the public. Readings begin at 8 p.m. in Miller Auditorium; refreshments are available beginning at 7:30 p.m. and book signings follow each speaking event.

We will wind down the PEL Pre-Party around 7 and will mosey on over to Miller Auditorium to get seats for the lecture.
Scheduled to speak are:

PEL authors invited to display/read work -- reservation form here

PEL authors of any and all genre are invited to display their work and to be considered for a short reading during the event. For more information and a display reservation form, click here.
Please note that the deadline to reserve space is January 5, 2017.


Spring Scholarship Applications Due January 4

If you would like to be considered for a PEL scholarship, the deadline to submit your application for Spring 2017 is Wednesday, January 4, 2017.

Only two things are required for the application:
  • You must have a 2016-2017 FAFSA on file with the Eckerd College code (001487) in order to be considered.
  • You must complete the application, which includes an essay portion, and return it to PEL Executive Director Amanda Hagood at hagoodca@eckerd.edu by January 4th. You may also fax (Attn: Amanda Hagood, 727-864-8422) or hand deliver your application. You may access the application and essay prompt here.
The PEL Scholarship Committee will notify via email students receiving awards before the first week of classes (the week of January 9th).

Be aware, too, that there are many opportunities for external scholarships funded by for-profit, non-profit, and state or national organizations. Check out PEL's Financial Aid page for links and information.

What criteria are considered in awarding PEL scholarships?

PEL scholarships are derived from a number of different funds (see more about this below), and each fund has different criteria to consider. In awarding scholarships, the committee works to make the best possible match between each applicant and available funds. Some scholarships, for instance, are intended to help adults who have been out of school for several years reenroll. Others are awarded to support students within a specific major (or majors) or students from a particular geographic area (such as Sarasota). Some are designated for single parents, and some can be awarded to any applicant. In every case, the committee considers both the academic performance and the financial need of the applicant.

Where do PEL scholarship funds come from?

PEL scholarships come from a wide variety of different sources. The Bernard Osher Foundation, which provides post-secondary scholarship funding to students, endowed a Reentry Scholarship for PEL students meant to assist those who are beginning or continuing their studies after a cumulative gap of five years or more spent outside of college study. (The Osher Foundation also supports Eckerd's Osher Lifelong Learning Institute--one of over one hundred located across the nation--which offers non-credit courses and field trips for students age 50 years and older.)

Other scholarships were endowed by members of the College community. The PEL Pruitt Endowed Scholarship for Creative Arts was given by a beloved local philanthropist, Dr. Crayton Pruitt, to support students in creative writing, visual arts, or humanities. (Dr. Pruitt is also the father of PEL Creative Writing professor Helen Pruitt Wallace.) The Tom West Memorial Endowed Scholarship honors Professor J. Thomas West, who played a pivotal role in founding both the College and the Program for Experienced Learners. The Daniel P. and Mary E. Miller scholarship was given by distinguished PEL alumna and Eckerd Trustee Emerita Mary E. Miller to support promising students in the field of Human Development.

Beyond endowed scholarships, many alumni have supported the program by contributing to the PEL Annual Scholarship fund, which may be awarded to any PEL student with a strong academic record and financial need.

Will scholarships be available this summer?

Scholarship funds will be available for students taking classes in Summer 2017, and a limited number of scholarships will also be available to support students who need to take directed and independent studies in Fall 2017.

Alumni and friends of PEL can have a direct positive impact on students working to complete their degrees by contributing to the PEL Annual Fund. To make a contribution, visit eckerd.edu/giving. Once there, use the box marked "Other" to specify that you would like your contribution to go to the PEL Annual Fund. You can also contact Arielle Purcell, Director of Annual Giving, at purcelam@eckerd.edu or (727)-864-7711.


Contact Amanda Hagood (727)-864-8366 with any questions regarding scholarship applications.

PEL-connected artists represented in Cobb Gallery Christmas Show

Above: l-r Watercolors by Linda Swindall, photography by Cal Brown '16, mixed-media monotypes by Emily Ayers Rideout, and weavings by Stella N. Anderson filled one wall and part of two others at the recent Nearly Annual Christmas Show and Sale in Cobb Gallery.

 Article and images by Anne W. Anderson

Artists with PEL connections contributed a good portion of the work displayed in the 2016 Nearly Annual Christmas Show and Sale in Cobb Gallery. The show ran Monday-Friday from December 5, through December 13, and a portion of the proceeds benefited the John Eckert Memorial Fund, which provides scholarships for visual art students.

Gallery manager Kirsten Ruginski said the works by PEL-connected artists ranged from watercolors to weavings and included work from a recent graduate and from current and former Eckerd College employees and instructors.

Below: The display included several watercolors by Linda Swindall, who worked at one time as the coordinator of special projects in PEL. 

Below: PEL graduate Betsy Orbe Lester '94, who became a PEL instructor and now is an adjunct with Eckerd College, provided these mixed-media works. 

 Below: Work by Stella N. Anderson, former assistant registrar for PEL, included ink paintings, handmade journals, and weavings.

 Below left: These mixed-media monotypes are the work of Emily Ayers Rideout, whose father was a PEL graduate (Daniel, '94) and whose mother was a long-time administrative assistant at PEL's Tampa Center.

Below right: The pottery creations are the work of Lin Jorgensen, who was PEL's enrollment manager for many years.


Below: The photographs below are the work of Cal Brown, '16, who graduated from PEL this past May. The porch scenes are from his senior project, Porch-traits.

 Anne W. Anderson is PEL's director of blended and online learning 
and is co-editor of The PEL Connector.

O, PEL Book Tree, O PEL Book Tree . . . how lovely are your covers!

Left: l-r Anne Anderson, Patti Cooksey, and Amanda Hagood gather 'round the PEL Book Tree.

From a Pinterest posting seen by Patti . . .

. . . layer by layer, the PEL Book Tree grew.

 Watch the slideshow here to see the tree grow as we added books from LLV, from many courses and disciplines, books from Quest, and topped it with a few films. The star? That was created from one of the PEL view books by PEL Executive Director Amanda Hagood. The snowflakes are hers, too! Who says we can't have a bit of creative fun in PEL?

The tree will be up through January 6 to celebrate all twelve days of Christmas.

Happy holidays to all, and to all a restful break. See you in January 2017!