Tuesday, December 13, 2016

O, PEL Book Tree, O PEL Book Tree . . . how lovely are your covers!

Left: l-r Anne Anderson, Patti Cooksey, and Amanda Hagood gather 'round the PEL Book Tree.

From a Pinterest posting seen by Patti . . .

. . . layer by layer, the PEL Book Tree grew.

 Watch the slideshow here to see the tree grow as we added books from LLV, from many courses and disciplines, books from Quest, and topped it with a few films. The star? That was created from one of the PEL view books by PEL Executive Director Amanda Hagood. The snowflakes are hers, too! Who says we can't have a bit of creative fun in PEL?

The tree will be up through January 6 to celebrate all twelve days of Christmas.

Happy holidays to all, and to all a restful break. See you in January 2017!

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